Club Rules
We’re pretty chill, but there are a few things you should know...
Safety First, Ego Last
Listen to and follow direction from instructors at all times.
It doesn’t matter how close you are to getting the sub, if someone’s safety is at risk, let. It. Go.
The walls are there to hold the roof up, not for smashing people against. If you get too close, pause and move away.
Dangerous submissions such as heel hooks and neck cranks should only be used by experienced grapplers, not the white belt that’s watched a couple of UFC pay-per-views.
This is a place of learning. Use technique over strength and control over power, particularly when rolling with smaller opponents. We’re not here to make the human version of ground beef.
Remove any jewellery or piercings that may cause injury before class begins.
If you are too close to other people when rolling, higher belt ranks get mat priority and the lower ranked practitioners are required to move.
You are responsible for your partner’s safety. If you perceive your partner to be in any potential danger, you must do your best to protect them.
Submissions should be applied slowly and with care, allowing your partner enough time to tap.
We strongly recommend wearing mouth guards during training.
Keep it clean
No food or drink (other than water) is permitted in the training and seating areas.
Shoes of any kind should not be worn on the mat.
Dirty outdoor shoes should be removed before entering the building.
Hygiene Isn’t Optional
Fingers and toe nails but be trimmed and smooth at all times.
No-one likes the smelly kid – wear deodorant.
Dirty gis can carry dangerous staph infections and will not be tolerated on the mat. Handy hint, leaving your gi out to ‘air’ is not considered cleaning it.
All cuts, abrasions and broken skin must be securely covered before entering the matted area.
Any and all bodily fluids, such as blood, should be cleaned up immediately.
Thongs must be worn at all times when not on the mat (no bare feet). If you leave the mat without thongs on, you will be asked to leave the club for the session.
General bits & pieces
You must sign in on the attendance sheet before training and visitors must sign a waiver.
We have changing rooms, please use them. We don’t need to know what colour pants you’re wearing or whether you’ve been hitting the weights lately.
Do not leave personal belongings in the changing rooms as they are a shared facility and the safety of your belongings cannot be guaranteed.
When you enter or leave the training area bow as sign of respect to your team.
Just Watching?
That’s cool, we welcome visitors.
With a tall ceiling and the air con going, it can be hard for students to hear the instructor while on the mats, so please talk quietly if you are watching a class and allow students to get the most out of it. In particular, kids get distracted easily. Look! Shiny stuff!